Rain on your Parade

You wake up bright and early, excited for another work day (like the workaholic you are 😏). Plus it’s Friday, yaayyy 😆! Plans for the weekend are in motion already.

Your clothes are well-ironed, having made sure of that the previous night. You really can’t take too many chances with the epileptic “NEPA”.

You take a warm bath, feeling refreshed and squeaky clean. Hair brushed, shoes smoothly cleaned.

Your breakfast/lunch is packed with extra care.

One last thing; A flowery spritz as a finishing touch.

Damn! Looking snazzy this Friday morning 😎

You take a step out the door, “oh is that a drizzle I see?” Not a problem, ‘cos as usual, you came prepared.

Opening up your dainty red umbrella, you look straight outta an oriental fairytale. Off you go, the rain an accompanying melody to this picturesque scene.

“Hmm, is it just me, or does this rain seems to be getting heavier?”

To go back home and wait it out or to continue regardless? Looking at the long road you’ve covered, the miles walked, you feel reluctant to ruin the schedule of the day.

Forging on bravely, you continue on the muddy path, your umbrella trembling under the frantic battering of the bully storm.

A storm, a downpour, and a crash later, you arrive at your office, stumbling, struggling to hold the doorpost for support.

The receptionist opens the door and sees you in all your soaking glory, all trace of pomp and fancy gone.

Dripping wet, a puddle forming at your feet.

Teeth chattering badly, goosebumps the size of boils on your open skin.

Muddy legs, feet sunken in squishy boots.

Your poor umbrella, which is more pretty than useful, couldn’t survive the bitter assault of the rain. Its mangled pieces lay brokenly in your limp, cold hand.

The light musk of flowers has been washed away in the rain, alongside your lipstick 💄, leaving your once luscious lips parched and cracked from the cold now engulfing your entire being.

Your hair is in disarray and heaven help you if your makeup is not waterproof. That’ll be the crowning touch to complete the whole lady from a horror movie look.

Like a washed-out painting, all traces of the you that stepped outta the house that morning is gone.

Doesn’t it just suck??

Shucks! 🤦🏽‍♀️

~ Exaggerated 🥴

Inspired by today’s rain 🖋

Published by Ayooluwa 🙃

Learning a li'l more about God each day...

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